Red Earth Official Trailer

Produced by brother-sister film team, Cody and Hanna Smith, Red Earth is a spectacular cohesion of stunning landscape and intense action. Follow four professional bikers – Aaron Butler, Cody Butler, Kirk Meyer, and Jeremy Hottinger – as they ride some of the most difficult mountain biking terrain in the world.

2019 Update:
Like many projects in life, this one had to be put on the backburner for the production crew.  Cody is now a Federal Law Enforcement Officer in Alaska, managing millions of acres of the tundra and Hanna is in pursuit of becoming a doctor in Arizona.
We will never forget our time in the deserts of Utah with this amazing crew of mountain bikers.  Our hope is to finish this project and share with you their talent, grit, and dedication to the sport of mountain biking Red Bull Style.
-Sheri Smith, owner SmithPRO LLC

(originally published March 8, 2014
